DTU Nanolab

NordTEMHub workshop


DTU invites for a NordTEMhub workshop on in situ microscopy, October 24-26. 2022.

The emphasis will be on dynamic studies of materials in gas / liquids, and elevated temperatures. The three-day program consists of a mixture of introductory and scientific presentations as well as hands-on sessions where the participants will experience live in situ microscopy. Each participant can join up to two hands-on sessions.

Time and place

Time: 24 - 26 October 2022

Place: Oersteds Plads building 347 and building 307 

Sign up

NordTEMHub 2022 sign-up

Deadline is October 14 2022


Jakob Birkedal Wagner
DTU Nanolab
+45 45 25 64 71