Safety introduction course
DTU Nanolab’s safety introduction course consists of theoretical and practical training.
Training Course
In order to follow and understand the safety introduction course it is mandatory that you speak, understand and write English without problems. For your own safety and the safety of other cleanroom users, we will not admit anybody to the cleanroom who has difficulties in understanding or talking English. If you feel that your English proficiency might not be sufficient, please contact the administration.
The theoretical part
The theoretical part of the safety introduction course is a self-study training of approximately 2-3 hours, containing video material and safety documents with basic information on the construction of the cleanroom and its safety systems. We expect you to go through this material very thoroughly. Furthermore, you have to pass a test with a minimum of 90% right answers before you can sign up for the 2nd part of the introduction course: the practical part (chemical handling).
The practical part
This part includes knowledge of the correct procedure when working with chemicals in the cleanroom, knowledge of personal protective equipment, general behavior in the cleanroom and waste deposition etc. Users are also educated in the guidelines and work procedures that must be followed in a cleanroom environment.
You will be given a tour in the cleanroom and practical exercises are conducted in order to get an overview of the safety equipment. In addition, practical exercises are conducted in order to increase knowledge of the handling of chemicals. The practical training will take approximately 2.5 hours.
This course will be completed with an examination which you have to pass in order to get access to the cleanroom.
You must bring a laptop. Tablet and smartphone can also be used.
Where and when?
The practical part of the safety introduction courses are held on a weekly basis on Tuesdays or Thursdays.
When you sign in for the DTU Nanolab safety introduction course on our website you will receive an e-mail containing a link. Follow this link to sign up for the course. Please notice that, there is an attendee limit per date. The course at 9:00-11:30 in building 347, please wait in the hallway in front of the reception.
The price for the course is 1,5 x Nanolab support hours. See the price per hour in the pricebook. The invoice will automatically be sent to your department or company.
Cancellation policy
If cancellation is made later than 24 hours before the planned course starts, DTU Nanolab will charge a cancellation fee equaling 100% of the price. If cancellation is made at least 24 hours before the corse, it is free of charge. If you need to cancel, please send an e-mail to the administration.