ADDRESS We are located at DTU Lyngby Campus on the following locations: Ørsteds Plads Bld. 345B, 346, 347 2800 Kongens Lyngby Fysikvej Building 307 and 314 2800 Kongens Lyngby Akademivej Building 358 and 451 2800 Kongens Lyngby
CONTACT Phone: +45 4525 5743 E-mail: PARCELS AND MAIL Please send parcels and mail to the reception in building 347 DTU Nanolab (Reception) Ørsteds Plads Building 347 2800 Kongens Lyngby
BUSINESS INFORMATION EAN nr.: 5798000430563 CVR nr.: 30060946 VAT nr.: DK 30060946 SE nr.: DK 30060946 P-nr.: 1003403265 Institut nr.: 5600
SUPPLIER INFORMATION DTU Nanolab is a public authority. Therefore, we must receive all Danish invoices electronically. For suppliers and contractors from outside Denmark, who need information on foreign invoices, DTU eForms, Tenders, DTU's standard terms and conditions of purchase; please find further information here.