ISO certification
DTU Nanolab building 346, 347, and 358 (before 2019 DTU Danchip) is ISO 9001 certified since 2009 and is committed to continuously focus on improving the quality of our services and to meet customer expectations.

The management system is certified by DNV-GL DS / EN ISO 9001:2015. The certificate and system scope is: "Access to cleanroom facilities and use of equipment for micro- and nanofabrication and in-sourcing of customer processes".
Quality Control
Quality control is done on our key equipment. Combined with our service program the quality control ensure our customers access to functioning equipment. The cleanrooms are monitored with regard to humidity, temperature and particles to ensure favourable conditions for the processes.
Documentation of quality controls and equipment manuals are available via the DTU Nanolab LabManager. Logbooks are kept for all equipment. We have an electronic quality manual to ensure version control, regular review of procedures and instructions.
The experience is accumulated and can be found in DTU Nanolab's LabAdvisor where all users have access. We register non-conformities, root cause analysis, corrective and preventive actions. Together with the internal audits of DTU Nanolab's activities, the system should ensure improvement, learning and knowledge for the benefit of our customers.
Teaching and Feedback
We conduct theoretical and hands-on training of persons who are granted access to cleanroom and access to our equipment. The processes are reviewed regularly before processing and feedback is collected systematically to ensure maximum benefit for our customers.
A considerable part of the staff of DTU Nanolab participates in quality assurance. The responsibility for implementation and maintenance of the management system lies with Quality- and System Manager Thøger Eskildsen.