DTU Nanolab PhD Committee
The DTU Nanolab PhD school committee meets monthly to develop the frame of the Nanolab PhD school. The formal tasks are: academic approval of new PhDs to be enrolled, assessment of study plans, approval of assessment committees, approval of supervisor change, approval of assessment from the PhD assessment committees.
In addition, the committee works on well-being and positive working environment for PhD students, quality of supervision, and general strategic goals for the PhD school.
3 PhD supervisors and 3 PhD students are elected for this committee. The supervisors are elected for a period of 3 years and PhD students for one year.Supervisor
Alice Bastos da Silva Fanta Senior Researcher
PhD Student
Christina Nicole König PhD student
Eugen Stamate Senior Researcher, Group leader
PhD Student
Chloé Chemin PhD student
Jakob Birkedal Wagner Professor
PhD Student
Maria Serra Gonzalez PhD student