Biomaterial Microsystems

About our Research
The Biomaterial Microsystems (BIOMIC) group led by Assoc. Prof. Stephan Sylvest Keller is part of the National Centre for Nano Fabrication and Characterization (DTU Nanolab) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Our research group aims at the creation and development of new strategies for fabrication of (bio)polymer and carbon microstructures and microsystems and creating new paradigms for life science, health tech and energy applications. The group has been historically working on devices for oral drug delivery, carbon based micro-electro-mechanical systems (C-MEMS), and lately with an emphasis on bio-inspired and bio-integrated technologies.
We are a highly multidisciplinary research group with a team of chemists, physics, biologists and engineers and are interested in exploiting a wide range of areas:
(1) the design and fabrication of “on-chip 2D/3D carbon microelectrodes” using a combination of SU-8 photolithography and pyrolysis for smart cell scaffolds, neural implants, retinal prosthesis and micromechanical sensors
(2) the use of hot embossing and punching for fabrication of biopolymer microstructures and microcontainers for oral drug delivery, transdermal drug delivery and biomimetics
(3) the development of new classes of micro/nano manufacturing technologies, which include the development of 3D printing, for fabrication of 3D micro- and nanostructures in carbon and polymers for C-MEMS, bio-sensors and microbial fuel cell applications
(4) the creation of new, low-cost manufacturing methods for scalable production of carbon micro/nano systems for sustainable energy storage and (bio)photovoltaic applications.
"Together, we can achieve more! In the Biomaterial Microsystems group life is an important part of a good work environment. We meet every Friday for a group meeting with breakfast and go for lunch together at least once a week. Once in while, we arrange group excursions or join the Friday bar for a drink to celebrate the weekend."