Materials science TEM/STEM
The three TEM instruments at DTU Nanolab are dedicated instruments for high-performance, high-resolution imaging of nanomaterials. Our Titan and Spectra TEMs are able to image materials with a spatial resolution better than 0.8Å. The Tecnai instrument is optimized for imaging low-contrast samples with a slightly lower resolution (~2Å). All instruments are equipped with elemental analysis capabilities (EDX) and EELS for chemical analysis and mapping.
The instruments can be operated both in TEM (parallel image acquisition) and STEM (serial image acquisition). The Titan E-Cell instrument is a dedicated instrument for environmental TEM allowing for studying samples while exposed to gas. Furthermore, it is equipped with a biprism allowing for Electron Holography experiments. The Tecnai T20 is equipped with cryo-plates optimized for TEM of cryogenic samples.
TEMs at DTU Nanolab:
- Tecnai T20 G2
- Titan E-Cell 80-300ST TEM
- Spectra Ultra (to be installed ultimo 2023)