Cleanroom access for contractors and technicians
To enter the cleanroom, it is essential to follow the steps and saftety instructions listed on this page
To get access to the cleanroom, it is mandatory to follow these steps:
1. Watch the safety video to the right
2. Read these Safety instructions for external contractors/technicians (English)
3. Fill out this Access agreement to DTU Nanolab’s cleanroom/building 346 for external contractors/technicians (English)
When all three steps are completed, the access agreement is submitted to the reception where an access card will be handed out.

For at få adgang til renrummet er det obligatorisk at følge disse trin:
1. Se sikkerhedsvideoen til højre
2. Læs disse sikkerhedsinstruktioner for eksterne håndværkere og teknikere (dansk)
3. Udfyld denne Adgangsaftale for adgang til DTU Nanolabs renrum/bygning 346 for eksterne håndværkere/teknikere (dansk)
Når alle 3 trin er gennemført, afleveres adgangsaftalen i receptionen, hvor et adgangskort vil blive udleveret.